impromptu break over~

So apparently I needed a break more than I wanted to admit. Consequence: finally finished Karaoke Heavens! I’ve already begun posting the chapter halves on meme as usual, and should have the whole thing edited and posted by the end of next week. Have also posted Jiong’s extra here on AO3.

Have stalled on Rin-Rin but oh well. Just gonna relax and work on other shit while I get back into the mood.

I’ll be updating this blog a little less often because omg it’s starting to be a pain? And not a fun one at all?? Most of what I’ve ended up posting here has been like, ‘hey, I updated’ or ‘aw, I’m not done writing yet’, and only the latter really needs to be here. Most of the places I post fiction have subscription features, and so I’m going to pull back on fic update news unless it’s about more than just ‘here’s a new chapter’.

super not dead for real~~

Edit: so I posted this as a page somehow ORZ fixing it now

I’m just writing a lot! And enjoying a random vacation as well, I guess?

Anyway, here’s Unconventional adulterer, a snippet in the Unconventional verse, because why don’t you want to read the dirty details of what Itachi got down to with Yuri’s official lover, the thirsty, yet strangely naive Takehiko-san.

Re other stuff I am working on, oh my GOD but I’m having some annoying issues with both Unconventional instructor part 5 (it turned into two frigging chapters. AGAIN.) and the next Rin-Rin (tricky rewrite went well. Too well. Not sure where to split the chapter anymore 😅😅😅😅).

As for Karaoke Heavens, I think I’ve made peace with the fact that I’m not ending that as soon as I thought I would. It’s a strange mix of my having too much fun still playing with that particular set of dolls, and having dumb anxiety over whether I’m doing it ‘right’ or whatever.

Also I think I was too productive during the first half of the year or something, because now that I’ve slowed down a bit I’m freaking out!! Because omg no chapter backlog means I’m DOOMED (or something). Somehow I will get over all of this _(:3 」∠)_

update, plus some of skara’s weird thoughts

Unconventional instructor chapter 5 is right here. Check it out~

Also, please enjoy the kind of thoughts I have while preparing to post something:

  • “Have I used ‘cum’ in this universe at all? Is that what I’ve been using?” [searches] “Oh, I guess not. Dammit, now I have to edit the previous chapter so it’s consistent.”

  • “Does it count as cannibalism if the guy that’s getting eaten isn’t really human?” [tags for cannibalism anyway, just in case]

  • “Man, I was going for a player-type atmosphere, but this guy is… he’s more awful than I expected. He’ll be hated if I post this, won’t he?” [plans to post it anyway]

Update-related news

I’m currently on break from updating Karaoke Heavens on meme, and though I just got back into the spirit of things wrt writing chapter 21, it’s going to take a while before I finish the story. I’m also just like, stressed in general and mildly regretting the schedule I committed to for updating the story on AO3, ScribbleHub etc, so, uh, I’m going to blow apart the schedule during my break 😅

Basically, I’ll update the story on all three platforms so it matches what I’ve posted on meme. This will probably happen on or around the next usual update day, aka Wednesday. Then I’ll get back to posting on meme every couple posts, just with the change that as soon as I’m happy with a chapter, I’ll stick it up on the archives.

As for the other two stories I’m currently working on, they certainly haven’t been forgotten. I feel like I blew my wad too early with Unconventional instructor, I’m having structural woes with chapter 5 and trying and failing to figure out a good note to end it on. And though I’m still massively excited to write more Rin-Rin (and behind on AO3 by a chapter T_T) I’m also like, torn between continue to write by the seat of my pants for it and… okay I’m probably going to continue that, I just need a moment or two to let the guilt over that pass on 😉

TL:DR; summary of this post:

  • Karaoke Heavens chapter 21 delayed. Mass release of all other meme-posted chapters incoming next week.
  • Unconventional instructor will end… someday.
  • Rin-Rin update coming soon.

ass vs arse, update news and bloggy things

So I’m probably going to be updating Karaoke Heavens chapters everywhere today once I post chapter 6 in an hour or so. I don’t often dip into the writing thread on meme for questions, half because I do best figuring story-related shit out on my own and half because hey, google exists. But the answer to the question of ‘ass’ vs ‘arse’, while googleable, felt just sterile enough that I turned to meme for confirmation.

Said confirmation means I’m going to go through all of Heavens with a fine-toothed ass-finding comb, because oh my god I use the word a lot more than I thought. And even though I know the text isn’t a perfect representation of vaguely futuristic British English, I’d still like it to be as close to that as possible >.>

Wrt bloggy things, I think I’m going to drop the expectation that I’ll post an update every time I post a new Heavens chapter. Two out of three of the platforms I’m posting on have subscriptions, and the only reason you’d even end up here to look for what the fuck’s going on is when there’s been no regular update for a day or so, so. Stories without an update schedule get new update posts, stories with a schedule only get them when I’m going to miss the schedule by a day or so. Story parts that I post on meme will definitely only get an update post if I feel like it, as meme is my wishy-washy experimental place.

Probably this update thing needs to be cut out and pageified for reference, but I’ll just let it go for now. I’ve got a chapter to edit, and a chapter half to maybe post on meme if the post hasn’t turned over yet. I have now used the word ‘update’ eight times.

wao, a useless post~

Something about trawling through trashy webnovels just makes me feel deeply, thoroughly cleansed. I think it’s the slight cultural mismatches/differences that makes sex scenes read so differently; scenes that would make me eyeroll in English take on this weird, filthy-hot aura when set in a different context.

I may not write like it, but, hehehehe, would you believe that I grew up a prude? A semi-serious one with, ahem, constant suffering by way of ~filthy thoughts, but I did wear the skin well enough back in the day. Seeing other people write shamelessly is no longer just an occasion to secretly bookmark their work; it’s an inducement now as well. An encouragement.

I’m really, really, really glad that, these days, I wholeheartedly worry about whether I’m writing something dirty enough, hot enough, filthy enough, sexy enough. I wouldn’t go back to worrying about overstepping my bounds in that respect if you paid me.