wao, a useless post~

Something about trawling through trashy webnovels just makes me feel deeply, thoroughly cleansed. I think it’s the slight cultural mismatches/differences that makes sex scenes read so differently; scenes that would make me eyeroll in English take on this weird, filthy-hot aura when set in a different context.

I may not write like it, but, hehehehe, would you believe that I grew up a prude? A semi-serious one with, ahem, constant suffering by way of ~filthy thoughts, but I did wear the skin well enough back in the day. Seeing other people write shamelessly is no longer just an occasion to secretly bookmark their work; it’s an inducement now as well. An encouragement.

I’m really, really, really glad that, these days, I wholeheartedly worry about whether I’m writing something dirty enough, hot enough, filthy enough, sexy enough. I wouldn’t go back to worrying about overstepping my bounds in that respect if you paid me.

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A lady under a rock.