
Man, RL hit like a truck over these last few weeks. I’ve managed to keep writing, but nothing other than the original fic I was noodling with on meme early on last month is ready to post ☹️. It’s here on AO3, btw.

Gonna keep working on everything I’ve got on my plate. Happily, the fact that I actually have today free has sped forward my work on the last four Rin-Rin chapters (I know I said three before, but…); just Minato’s chapter needs finishing now. Then it’ll only be the Itachi time travel fic that I have as a WIP!! And I guess the omega!Naruto series? Ah well, close enough 😂😂😂


Listening to kpop as I go through and answer my hideously large comment backlog. Ah, the best~

oh, dear dusty blog

I swear I didn’t mean to end up with one of those comma grammar puzzles for the title. It just fit >.<

ANYWAY, I’m posting here half to let you know rinrin’s next couple chapters are undergoing heavy reconstruction due to my realization that I am indeed writing crack rather than Serious Insightful Fanfic of Stupendous Quality.

New stuff I’ve posted recently that you might have missed:

And of course I’m posting stuff today, because why not. Please enjoy redolent, the ItaNaru a/b/o one-shot you didn’t know you needed ;D

unconventional instructor done

Aaaand it’s here! And of course I want to dive right back into posting new, different filth but nothing’s really ready 😂😂

Really thought I’d want more of a break but I guess I just don’t. Or that I’m getting one by easing off on Rin + Karaoke Heavens updates >.>

curse you, latest commenter

Due to your evil ideas, my afternoon has flown away, spent writing a pornless Fugaku/Minato short that was supposed to be a drabble and will not fucking end and has way too much worldbuilding because of course I have to explain how things ended up the way they did in the main Unconventional training verse.

(Okay, it’s really just me to blame. But I’m cursing you anyway, commenter! You know who you are!!! Also I’ll respond to your comment when I’m actually done with this fic, so that’s your punishment. It could be today, or tomorrow, or in three weeks from now, and you have no control, mwahahahah!!!!!!!)

On chapter counts

I really gotta stop putting in official chapter counts for any story I haven’t absolutely positively finished writing yet. Re the ANBU Weasel sequel I thought the thirteenth chapter would be the last one. Then I wrote an epilogue. 😅

The big switch

There’s always a period after you start a new blog or social media-ish thing, where you wonder where to post and what to post where. I am definitely in that moment right now 😅

Naturally I solved this in the laziest way possible: by deciding to burn down my dreamwidth blog and just move everything here. Fic update post coming soon, I’ve got new chapters sitting for both ANBU Weasel and Unconventional training, just need to turn my perfectionism off and find time to edit :D. Then, since both fics are basically nearing their end, it’ll be time to start posting a new project to meme.

Hello world?

Welcome to this incredibly dull blog! I would import my three posts from my dreamwidth blog if I weren’t lazy as all get out. But I am. So here this will sit, until the first fic update blooms…

Edit on 2/1/19: As it turns out, I am much less lazy than I thought I was! Dreamwidth blog imported by hand, as I was too lazy to try my hand at converting Dreamwidth’s XML exports (which are month-by-month only, yikes) into WXR for WordPress to slurp up.