Late update post (but update was on time)

Have updated Unconventional training with a fourth chapter. Have also been amusing myself with site tinkering, none of which should show at all, lol. I switched from writing markdown in my posts to moving all that to my local environment instead, and just doing a quick conversion with pandoc when it’s time to post.

Which, if you’re me, naturally meant that I had to go back and convert all my old entries, because I know it’ll be a pain to handle if I don’t do it now.

Anyway, with that done, the next thing on my plate is tightening up the security of my WordPress install. As far as writing goes, fuck knows what I’m going to work on, I’m totally at sea. I have the (hopefully!) last chapter of Unconventional training maybe like a third written, and I’m messing with a new meme wip and wondering what to work on next. I’m likely to be busy for a while with other RL stuff over the next couple months, so I may end up just keeping to those two things. Will post again if I change my mind.

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A lady under a rock.